About KasaHR Consulting

The word Kasa is a spinoff from the Spanish word “Casa” which means HOME.

KasaHR Consulting’s vision is to create the safe space for us to honour the most authentic and strongest version of ourselves. Each project or assignment is undertaken with respect for each of us as unique individuals.

KasaHR Consulting’s purpose is:

  • To act as a trusted advisor with clients, colleagues and industry partners

  • To brainstorm solutions with clients and respect varying viewpoints

  • To remain fluid and flexible to changing priorities and decisions

  • To be as transparent as possible in what we do and how we do it

  • To make decisions based on ethics, loyalty and respect for people of all backgrounds

  • To do work that makes this world a better place for all

Kataneh Sherkat - Founder

Kataneh has always been fascinated by how people behave. From childhood, as an avid world traveller, she has loved to observe people from all backgrounds, to motivate those who are about to give up, and to connect innovation with human need.

Throughout her career, she has worked with leaders from start-ups to global entities locally, nationally and internationally. Her experience includes working for companies such as Northwest Realty, Royal Bank, CIBC, Deloitte, Boyden (former Odgers), Peeple Inc. and WMC. She has helped lead hundreds of senior level executive search projects, coached professionals of all levels, helped launch global compensation and performance management programs, completed change management project in middle east as well as acted as advisor for a variety of for-profit and non-profit boards.

As a certified CTI and Positive Intelligence coach, she brings that training to all conversations - from supporting a leadership team, interviewing candidates or in her role as a resilience coach.

Kataneh is active in the non-profit community with a passion for getting involved in grassroots initiatives: She has been Board member with Pain BC, Vice Chair of Kits Neighborhoud House and co-founder of Neekoo Philanthropic Foundation. Recently she co-founded Educating for Humanity - helping to promote educational content in areas of diversity, equality, ethics and integrity.

Kataneh holds a Bachelor of Commerce from UBC in Urban Land Economics, a certificate in International Business Management from HEC in Paris, as well as an MBA from McGill University in Strategic Management. She is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach and a Certified Positive Intelligence coach.